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Boost Your

Fertility Training

For who is this Training?

I recently created digital training called Boost Your Fertility, it’s an introduction training for those wanting to know more about natural ways of boosting fertility.

What does it consist of?

Boost Your Fertility Training is a series of 8 videos with maximum knowledge and value. You can watch it all at once or in a few blocks (no more than 15 minutes per video). Additionally, you get a workbook with key information and various self-assessments and exercises for you to complete. As a bonus, you will receive a set of affirmation cards and post-training support call with me.

Where can I get more information and how can I join?

Most frequently asked questions:

A Personal Life Coach is someone who is qualified to support, encourage, challenge and motivate you to achieve your personal and professional goals. A coach will listen to you carefully, help you to discover the obstacles, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and celebrate your successes. A coach will not tell you what to do or judge you as his job is to be objective and empowering. This style of coaching is based on cognitive-behavioural approach that draws on evidence-based psychological models and promotes a flexible way of looking at personal and business related challenges.

The aim of the first session is to get to know each other and make an initial action plan. As a coach I would like to understand your needs, goals and expectations. You, as a coachee (client), will make a decision whether my style of coaching is right for you. It’s important to choose the right coach! First session can last up to 75 minutes. Further coaching sessions usually last 60 minutes.

It’s best to go with an open mind! You may want to think of a specific area of life that you want to improve but don’t think too much about what to say and how to introduce yourself. I will help you with that.

First of all from my clients. I helped many people to discover their inner potential and focus on personal development. But I also experienced coaching myself and I know that we sometimes need a little bit of extra help to get where we want to be. Read my story to find out more.

  • Coaching is action orientated, vs counselling is coping orientated.
  • Coaches focus exclusively on the present and future, vs some counsellors focus mostly on the present and the future, others on the past (depending on the type of therapy you choose).
  • Coaches ask ‘How can we change?’, vs counsellors ask ‘Why should we change?’
  • Coaches cannot give diagnosis and treatment while counsellors can.

Would you like to know more?